Tree Commission


David Dalton
Janet Jackson
Meredith Leary
Kati Manning
Kathleen Tuemler
Maureen Wash
Ray Wash

Honor trees are planted throughout the city every year to honor those who have enhanced the community of Highland Heights.
2021 – Jean Rauf
2022 – Elwood Schneider and Stella Worely
2023 – Gil Fessler and Judson Daum
2024 – Steve Franzen, Dave Whitacre, Inaugural Tree Commission, and the 2024 Tree Commission

Highland Height’s 2024 Arbor Day was a Success!

The Highland Heights Tree Commission would like to thank everyone who came out on April 27th to take part in our annual tree giveaway. The Tree Commission purchased a variety of trees to give out to residents of Highland Heights during this event.

Mayor Greg Meyers was on hand to present the Arbor Day Proclamation. During this event, a tree was dedicated to Steve Franzen, who served as the city’s attorney for 34 years, and to Dave Whitacre, former city engineer and code enforcement officer who served the city for 31 years. Steve and Dave’s years of knowledgeable, dedicated service is greatly appreciated and will be missed. The Inaugural Tree Commission and 2024 Tree Commission also had trees dedicated in appreciation for their commitment to bringing the Tree Commission to life and keeping it moving forward. 

If any of our Highland Heights neighbors would like attend Tree Commission meetings, they are on the 4th Wednesday of even numbered months at 7:00 PM in the City Building. 

Check out these links:

City Parks
Arbor Day Foundation

Tree Commission Ordinance #02-2019